



Take advantage of opportunities to practice networking by connecting with people who are doing the same things you are.



人际关系就是发现. 当你们通过提问建立联系, 你会学习那些有助于明确你的职业兴趣的经历.



通过ClarkCONNECT与同行和合作伙伴联系和协作, 为世界各地的亚洲体育博彩平台学生和校友提供了一个平台.



  • 朋友和家人: The first step in finding new contacts is to reach out to your immediate network of 朋友 and family. Talk to your parents, 教授, teachers, family members, or your friend’s family members. Start by asking them to help you make connections with people who are in careers that interest you. 一旦连接, you can start to build a relationship or ask for additional contacts that might be of value for you.
  • ClarkCONNECT is an easy-to-use platform that brings together the Clark community and provides you with unprecedented access to 2,500 +的校友, 教师, 还有父母关系和导师. On ClarkCONNECT, you can engage in relevant topics and trends in academic and career communities. 从这些联系中, 你可以找到实习的途径, 研究合作, 人脉和就业机会, 建议, 以及关于职业和行业的指导. 以下是在ClarkCONNECT上建立新连接的一些建议:
    • Send an email or LinkedIn/ClarkCONNECT message to introduce yourself and briefly explain why you’re reaching out and what you hope to learn through conversation.
    • Make a list of questions 问 contacts when you connect so that you’re prepared. 这是一个 有用的问题列表 问.
    • 真诚地表现出你对新联系人经历的兴趣, 建立你和他们的共同点, 并解释你希望从他们身上学到什么.
    • Be respectful and professional by editing your message for spelling and grammatical errors. 花点时间精心构思一条信息. 第一印象对于建立新关系很重要.
    • 如果人们没有立即回应,不要气馁. 让他们知道你会跟进的, then be sure to follow through by sending a second message after a certain period of time (typically a week or more).
    • 如果你联系上了,一定要发一封感谢邮件或便条!
  • LinkedIn is a powerful networking resource of 70 million professionals around the globe representing 150 industries, 包括30,000+亚洲体育博彩平台校友. You can create a free account to begin expanding your network of connections.
    • 我如何与LinkedIn上的人联系? 在领英上与他人联系时, you will be prompted to describe how you know the other person through a set of choices that LinkedIn provides. You also will have the option to include a personal note along with the connection request, 一个另一端的人能够看到的信息. You should customize this message to describe the nature of why you are connecting. 在其中,简要包括:
      • An introduction (“Hi, I’m a junior studying International Development at 博彩平台推荐…”).
      • An explanation of your common interests or shared affiliation (“I see you were an athlete at Clark; I’m a student-athlete on the baseball team”).
      • A brief “ask” of what you hope to learn or do (“I’d welcome the opportunity to learn more about your career path into investment banking through a 30-minute phone call at your convenience”).
      • Sincere thanks (“Thanks so much for considering my connection and I look forward to your response”).
    • 如何在LinkedIn上与校友联系? 在领英上联系亚洲体育博彩平台的校友, you need to first ensure that you have listed 博彩平台推荐 in the “Education” section of your LinkedIn profile. 一旦您的个人资料完成,只需转到 博彩平台推荐领英主页 然后点击左边栏的校友标签. 一旦有, you’ll see an ongoing list of 校友 that you can easily filter by industry, 位置, 职称, 公司, 或关键字. One thing to keep in mind: Your LinkedIn profile is often the first link that appears when someone searches your name via Google.

Think about your strengths and interests by reflecting on your current positive and negative experiences.

  • Assess your current connections by identifying the people who most align with your values and interests and with whom you should connect to diversify your perspective.
  • Connect with curiosity by asking questions without the pressure of a formal networking event or a formal ask for a job or internship.
  • Look for opportunities to connect with people and experiences through social networks, 俱乐部, 志愿服务, 还有求职板.
  • Cultivate your network by showing genuine interest in people’s experiences and by keeping in touch with those who took the time to connect with you.

Want to start making a professional connection with 校友 but not sure where to start? 这里有一些示例信息可以帮助指导你:



My name is Student and I am a junior at Clark double majoring in Spanish and psychology. I am interested in pursuing graduate school after Clark and noticed that you recently finished your Ph.D. 在心理学中. I’d like to learn more about the psychology program at X University and hear about your path from Clark, 去读研, 与职业. 如果您方便的话,我们能尽快约个时间谈一谈吗?






My name is Student and I’m a Media, Culture, and the Arts major at 博彩平台推荐. I want to work in journalism after graduation; I saw you interned at X Organization during your time at Clark and I’m wondering if you could tell me more about your experience there. I’m interested in learning more about the journalism field and would love to hear about your work at Y Company. 我们能约个时间打个电话吗? 我很感谢你能分享的任何见解.





我叫Student,是Clark大学的大二学生. I am majoring in business, but think I might want to pursue a career in policy reform. 因为你主修商科,现在在智库工作, I’d like to hear about your unconventional path from Clark to policy research. 你的商学学位是如何帮助你在这个领域工作的? Can we schedule a time to talk more about your academic and professional experiences?










